Virtual Rejection-unconfirmed
Posted by Mariano in Aztec700, bennington, Cuauh, rejection, typewriters
King Beer is Here (Kentucky Breakfast Stout)
Posted by Mariano in Beer, Founders Brewing Co., Kentucky Breakfast, Photo
On Saturday night, Founders held a party to mark the release of their most exclusive beer, and my estimation of what water will taste like in heaven: the Kentucky Breakfast Stout. The production is so limited that when I went to a liquor store to buy some, I was only allowed one four-pack and said pack was $22. I also found out that the owners randomly sign a bottle here and there (not every four-pack gets a signed bottle), and mine just happens to have one--which made me pretty happy when I realized it. Naturally, as soon as I got back in the car, my wife went in and bought another four-pack. I'll be stocking up in the next few days. If you love beer, GO BUY IT NOW. By the end of the year, you'll be lucky to get one beer on ebay for $40.
Lens: 100 mm macro
SS: 1/60
I used two SB800 with remote flash.
The front one was a 1.5 ft away and 3 ft. off the ground on a stand, bounced off a reflective umbrella, front right, @ full blast. The second was a foot behind and to the left @ 1/4 with a diffuser card and a black flag to keep the light from washing out the front of the bottle.
I gave pencasting a try on Sunday. I wrote about turning 31, which I did last Wednesday. So, below is the actual page from my 13x21cm Moleskine, and below that is a digital rendition. I've been told that sometimes my handwriting is hard to read. So if it looks like Sanskrit, don't worry, it's in 12pt. Georgia font below the scan.
From Left to Write |
So, with a few mistakes and some awkward word separation at the end of some lines, here is a typed out version of Boston University's receipt-of-application letter. They're just slightly wordier than Bennington. So, that's two out of three and Warren Wilson is still notably silent.
Calvin & Me--Beer and Faith
Posted by Mariano in Beer, Calvin, Calvin College, Calvin Seminary, Calvinus Beer, Faith, Photo, Speedlite, Strobes, umbrella
I'm about one week from having submitted my applications and now my days are filled with ordinary language. Below is my reflection about leaving a world dominated by standards set by the greats of literature and judged by committees, and returning to a world of the most basic language learning which I have not visited in well past a decade.
From Left to Write |
Posted by Mariano in Beer, Breakfast, Food, Founders Brewing Co., microbrewing, STAMPS, typecast
The Idea
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